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India’s tourism strength lies in its ancient civilization; in its four world’s greatest religions; in Heritage of ancient past and modern structures; in beautiful natural and rural landscape; its spirituality; and in rich cultural diversity with multiple languages, cuisines, traditions, customs, festivals, music, dance, arts and crafts. The treasure of heritage, culture and experiences in India has been alluring the travellers globally, to visit and experience India’s rich past. India ranks 9th amongst 140 Nations in the component of cultural heritage according to the latest 2019 edition of Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Index Report, published by the World Economic Forum.
With a view to Augmenting the impact of India Tourism within the country and globally, and to facilitate holistic development of India Tourism. New Tourism Foundation, an ideating, advocacy and tourism promotion forum has been set up. New Tourism Foundation has been established and registered as a trust for public charitable objects.
The foundation aims to act as a think tank, to provide policy and strategic inputs and options to Union Government, State Governments and the tourism industry and to also organize tourism promotion activities such as seminars, marts, exhibitions, workshops, conferences and round table discussions. The foundation also aims to create awareness among people for preservation of cultural and natural heritage tourism of India and to also engage in curating, assisting, supporting, developing, restoring and managing tourism products in the field of heritage, nature, adventure, luxury, eco-tourism, wildlife, cruises, rural, medical & wellness and other theme based tourism.
New Tourism Foundation is being led by a team comprising tourism experts from Government, Hospitality, Travel Trade, IT and Media.

Mr. Vinod Zutshi IAS (Retd.)
Former Secretary, Tourism
Government of India
PRESIDENT-New Tourism Foundation

Ar. Sanjay Soni
Chief Knowledge Director, Incredible Design
DIRECTOR – Marketing & Communications,
New Tourism Foundation

Mr. Ravi Arora
Editor in Chief,
Wonderlust- A Business Travel Trade Magazine.
New Tourism Foundation

Ms. Raka Singh
Founder President

Mr. Rakesh Mathur
Former CEO BASS(IHG)Hotels,
South & West Asia

Sr. Vice President – IATO
Chairman – Assocham Council
of Kerala
President – CKTI

Mr. Tarun Thakral
Managing Trustee
Heritage Transport Museum

Mr. Prateek Hira
Founder President, CEO of Tornos
Chairman of IATO – Indian Association of Tour Operators for the states
Uttar Pradesh and Uttrakhand

Mrs. Neela Iad
Retired Regional Director
Western & Central India, IndiaTourist office
Ministry Of Tourism, Government of India, Mumbai

- To become an effective ideating, advocacy and promotional forum that would facilitate India Tourism to be positioned as one of the top most tourism destinations, globally.
- To brand India as a land of eternal heritage, by showcasing the epic journey of India’s cultural heritage and diversities.
- To assist India and the entire global community to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and to protect the planet by preserving the natural and cultural heritage through sustainable tourism.
New Tourism Foundation is committed to ideate, advocate and facilitate the tourism stakeholders and to proactively work for holistic development of tourism in India. The foundation aims to work on the following mission goals:
- To consolidate and promote the competitive strengths and Unique Selling Propositions (USPs) of India Tourism.
- Harnessing tourism potential of the country for its effects in employment generation and economic development.
- Promoting cultural and heritage value of the country to generate livelihoods.
- To accelerate Heritage tourism in India by productive utilization of heritage & cultural treasures of the country, as well as by increasing outreach to attract substantial numbers of International & domestic travelers.
- To facilitate, promote and develop, tourism and travel activities in India encompassing infrastructure, hotels, transport, Heritage habitats, monuments.
- To take initiatives for welfare of Tourism in all respects covering sustainable tourism, tourism related employment opportunities, augment economic contribution to country’s GDP and accelerate skill development process.
- To organise related activities such as cultural shows, fairs, festivals, Marts, expositions and other tourism related events with-in India and globally and to assist, support and facilitate such events.
- Enhancing the tourist attractiveness in a sustainable manner by developing world class tourism infrastructure at tourism destinations.
- To market and promote tourism by all desirable means including electronic, print, and digital media and to take up such other incidental and ancillary activities viz organising seminars, conferences, award events etc.
- To coordinate and actively work with Ministry of Tourism, State Govts, Public Bodies, other Union Govt. Departments, Associations, Committees and Tourism industry to achieve the vision and mission goals of the Foundation.
New Tourism Foundation is a Forum to promote tourism in India in a holistic manner through ideation, advocacy and tourism promotion. In accordance with its vision and the mission goals, New Tourism Foundation will work towards the following aims, objects and wide ranging activities, given as below:
- To engage in curating, assisting, supporting, developing, restoring and managing new tourism products in the field of heritage, nature, adventure, luxury, eco-tourism, wildlife, cruises, rural, medical, and other theme based tourism.
- To create and stimulate an awareness among the public for the preservation of the cultural and natural heritage tourism of India and respect and knowledge of past experience and skills.
- To undertake documentation of the cultural and natural heritage for promotion of tourism;
- To act as a pressure group by arousing public opinion when any part of the cultural or natural heritage is threatened with imminent danger of damage or destruction, arising out of private or public policy or in any other manner.
- To act as a Heritage Bank for providing financial, technical and intellectual assistance towards the preservation and promotion of cultural and natural resources and heritage as also of creative and innovative activities;
- To market and promote tourism in India at global forums like trade shows, Marts, festivals, seminars, fam trips, by all desirable means, print media, digital media and take up such other incidental and / or ancillary works (seminars-conferences, awards) for the growth of tourism and enter into agreements with associations, individuals, companies, bodies etc., for any purpose conducive to the growth of tourism.
- To create a suitable forum for the exchange of ideas and techniques and to undertake, organise and facilitate study/study courses, workshops, conferences and lectures in matters relating to conservation, promotion of natural and cultural property and resources;
- To undertake and provide for the publication of journals, books, pamphlets, newsletters, posters etc. in furtherance of the objectives of the foundation.
- To set up and maintain libraries and information services to facilitate the study of cultural and natural heritage to identify and promote tourism opportunities.
- To curate and create theme based accommodation types covering tourist lodges, tourist hotels, heritage hotels, havelis, resorts, villas, restaurants, guest houses, and entertainment projects etc. Pan India. Also assist in construct, sell, lease for the purpose of operation and growth of the units, to undertake carrying out all related activities.
- To engage in the activities and facilitate, promote and develop tourists, tourism, and travel related activities in India encompassing infrastructure, hotels, transport, Heritage structures, monuments and to take all steps which may be necessary for promoting, encouraging and assisting in the development of tourism throughout the country and to take initiatives to secure the welfare of the Tourism in all respects covering sustainable tourism, tourism related employment opportunities, economic contribution to their GDPs and Skill development.
- To undertake measures for the preservation and conservation of natural resources and cultural property, including but not limited to places of scenic beauty and geological features, having a high archaeological, historical, artistic or scientific value, as are not protected by any of the Central or State Statutes.
- To undertake appropriate measures for the preservation of not only historic buildings but also of historic quarters and towns and domestic architecture displaying artistic or skilled craftsmanship.
- To acquire or to hold in lease any cultural property or part thereof which the Society may deem necessary in furtherance of its objectives.
- To undertake pilot conservation projects with focus on tourism;
- To identify the cultural components of rural and urban development schemes with a view to ensuring that the latter, which are oriented essentially to material and technological progress, do not pose any danger to architectural and natural heritage or resources.
- To extend and strengthen co-operation with professional national and regional organisations like the Archaeological Survey of India, State Departments of Archaeology, National and other Museums and National Research Laboratory for Conservation of Cultural Property and with UNESCO and other International professional organisations like the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), the International Council of Museums (ICOM), the International Center for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural property in Rome (ICCROM), the International Union for Conservation of Nature and natural Resources (IUCN) and such bodies;
- To Coordinate and actively work with Chambers of Commerce, other Mercantile and Public Bodies in India, Ministries in Central Government, State Government Departments or Committees, International Air Transport Association, UNWTO and various foreign and local Organisations, associations and corporations, companies and concerns and promote measures in the interests of the Tourism, and travel trade and nominate members to act on them.
- To promote the preservation of traditional arts and crafts and to ensure their authenticity and identity;
- To assist, support, provide entertainment to tourists and for promoting tourism, organise related activities such as cultural shows, fairs, festivals, Marts and expositions etc. with-in India as well as Globally and to assist, support, facilitate, take over and develop and manage places of tourist interest, parks, lakes, avenues, beaches and recreational places, spots etc.
- To stimulate research in matters of tourism marketing and conservation as much on technical and scientific plans as on doctrinal;
- To constitute or cause to be constituted Regional Branches or Chapters at convenient centers in India to promote the objectives of the Foundation.
- To undertake promotional activities the proceeds of which will add to the resources of the foundation to be utilised for the purposes of the foundation.
- To make continuing provisions for the administration of funds available to it from various resources and income thereof and to apply the same for advancement of education including tourism management along with history the humanities science, technology, arts and crafts in any manner exclusively charitable and for the benefit of the public at large.
In furtherance of the foregoing charitable objectives but not further otherwise and without prejudice to the generality of the same:-
- To use all or any of the capital or income of the foundation funds for the provision of financial assistance for the men and women of other nationalities to enable them to travel to India and to follow in India any course of study, research or any other educational pursuit which will be beneficial to either or both countries.
- To use all or any of the capital or income of the foundation funds for the provision of financial assistance (by way of grant or otherwise as the foundation may determine) to any charitable educational institution in and outside of the Republic of India subject to the approval of the Reserve Bank of India;
- That all the incomes, earnings, movable and/or immovable properties of the foundation shall be solely utilised and applied towards the promotion of its aims and objectives only;
- To do all such lawful acts and things as are conducive or incidental to the attainment of the aforesaid objectives of the foundation, i.e. Tourism
- To identify people in their areas who are lovers of heritage and who are interested in preserving heritage buildings, monuments, and natural and ecologically sensitive areas as well as intangible assets in rural and tribal areas.
- To identify institutions and organisations in their area which are already working in heritage preservation or collection and documentation of archival materials and send information about them to headquarters.
- To collate information about heritage sites in the rural areas in their locale, such data can be obtained through newspapers, magazines, and books as well as by interacting with archaeologists and historians of the area.
- To compile information about conservation architects and other relevant professionals working or residing in their area and will maintain close liaison with the local authorities of the Archaeological Survey of India and other NGOs working in this area.
- To visit schools and colleges to encourage awareness of the importance of heritage and the reasons for heritage preservation, organize heritage awareness talks in their area, and develop youth groups for rural heritage in their locales.
- To identify heritage sites in their area which have potential for project development.
- To be proactive in preventing and opposing the destruction or misuse of heritage sites, manuscripts, buildings of archaeological significance, and in bringing such matters to the notice of the Government authorities.
- To be the eyes and ears of the tourism matters in general and to identify people and institutions in which might fund Trust projects.
- To be themselves, persons of impeccable integrity and uphold the highest standards of conduct at all times, as they are the Ambassadors of the foundation.
- To assist and create quality and standards in all aspects of tourism by way of advising standard policies and carrying out variable audits, by way of counselling to Government, to ensure that tourism activities are carried out in responsible manner and adhering to standards thereby ensuring standard for travellers and operators.
- To establish, acquire, hold, construct , maintain and run group of faculties , universities for Tourism, college, institute, polytechnics for imparting all sorts of education in the field of tourism and hospitality Management, vocational courses and primary and secondary education in India or outside India to children , girls and Women.
- To establish, open run support maintain and administer school, college, Hostels, Management training centers and similar other instituted Tourism Management colleges, Tourism & hospitality colleges career counselling centers to provide education of all types (i.e. basic, professional , technical or / and non – technical also engaging in the activities necessary to education/Skills for the benefit and use of the general public at large.
- Providing grants, scholarships, fellowships and other forms of financial assistance to the needy and deserving students for pursuing education, vocational training, skill development etc.